Will a bulging disc heal on its own is a great question when faced with the, often times, debilitating pain and functional restrictions related to sciatica. Sciatica is classed as an inflammation and/or compression of the sciatic nerve, most commonly by a bulging or herniated intervertebral disc.
Treatment for sciatica in the initial stages is based around symptom reduction, especially pain and other neural signs, such as tingling, burning and numbness. In many cases doctors will prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain medication. These can include anything from over-the-counter medications including diclofenac (Voltaren) and paracetamol, to more powerful options such as meloxicam (Mobic) and opioids.
The efficacy of these drugs is related to how much the nerve is compressed. In the worst cases the drugs may have no noticeable effect, or in other cases they may help to reduce or eliminate the pain. Often the pain and symptoms will return after ceasing drug intervention, this usually indicates that the nerve is still being compressed by the offending disc.
However, in other cases the reduction in local inflammation, around the nerve, can reduce symptoms for an extended period.
Harvard Health in 2020 published information on their website stating that ninety percent of bulging discs repair themselves in 6 months from the initial trauma. That is obviously a high and somewhat surprising number. It is also great news for most minor disc issues.
Is it possible to speed up this process, and can the other ten percent be helped? From a purely anecdotal perspective, gleaned from personal clinical experience I can confidently say that almost all sufferers can be helped.
This may include conservative treatment such as acupuncture, physiotherapy and exercise. More radically, cortisone injection may give some temporary relief, with surgery being the most invasive of all possible options.
Many people are rightly adverse to surgery or even cortisone shots. Acupuncture, and more specifically deep needling of the points just lateral to the spinous processes at each joint interval has the twin effect of releasing the deep local musculature, and it can also improve the flow of blood and energy through the area to hasten healing.
In conclusion, it is clear that many disc issues will resolve on there own if they are the minor end of the scale. However, conservative treatment, such as acupuncture, can speed up recovery time. From there strengthening of the core muscles is essential for positive long term management, and to reduce the chances of further injury. Usually the bulge will still be present, but in a reduced form. So it is no longer impacting the nerve.
Will a herniated disc heal on it’s own Will my herniated disc heal on its own? - Harvard Health 1/9/2020 Harvard Health
Can Herniated Discs Heal on Their Own?
Spine Health
J Pain Res, 2021; 14: 13–22.
Published online 2021 Jan 8. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S280404
The Management of Sciatica by Acupuncture: An Expert Consensus Using the Improved Delphi Survey
Na Zhang,1,2 Li-Qiong Wang,1 Jin-Ling Li,1 Xin-Tong Su,1 Fang-Ting Yu,1 Guang-Xia Shi,1 Jing-Wen Yang,1 and Cun-Zhi Liu1
Notes from Chan Gunn’s lecture at the Fifth North American Symposium on Acupuncture Seminar 4. San Francisco, Ca 7/2000.
O’Connor J, Bensky D. Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Text. Shanghai College of Traditional Medicine. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press; 1981.