Giving up smoking is one of the hardest things you will do in your life. It is also one of the best things you can do.
Do you have one when you wake up? With your coffee another, after you eat? Cigarettes and alcohol go together right?
Wrong! A combination of pain free targeted laser acupuncture and a willingness to give up is a potent combination.
If you've smoked for 6 months, 10 years or 20 years then this is the treatment for you.
I offer 10 pain free acupuncture laser sessions and a lot of encouragement and strategies to get you over the line.
If you WANT to give up, then I can help.
All I ask of you is commitment and will power. The laser treatment is pain free and will enhance your own inner strength and mind power.
Low level laser light is applied for one minute to various acupuncture points to help you beat your cravings. We talk about ways to avoid smoking triggers and how you can use tricks such as sipping water to overcome the oral fixation associated with having a cigarette in your mouth.
Counseling to help you bypass emotional triggers is offered, as this can be a major hurdle in giving up.
Positive reinforcment is also key.
Before I tell you the cost of the treatment, think about the cost of not giving up.
Your health, your family, your life are all at stake.
Some programs charge $600 for ONE treatment. In my experience 10 treatments is optimal.
I am offering my unique pain free 10 treatment package for just $500. That is just $50 per treatment!
If this is too much, then you can go for the 5 treatment package for $300.
Private Health Rebates are available.
Each treatment lasts about 30 mins.
We talk about strategies, and support you in your excellent decision.
Call Me Now on 0404427510 to get started towards optimal health.
Dr Nathan Burns (TCM) BHSc
Registered Acupuncturist
Rebates Available
2 locations Elsternwick and Hawthorn
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